Thursday, February 24, 2005


So I was at Wendy's last night. Headed towards home to clean and prep the basement for the arrival of Awoods.
I'm at the counter waiting with Anne.
This guy in front of us orders gets his food and comes back for more stuff about 3 times before we are able to get our food. At one point, he comes back up because he ordered the wrong sandwich and he wanted them to give him a new one.

Anywho, the cashier lady had a look like she was just not having a good day. So I ask her if she's alright. . .and she says, "Shoo . . . a sista's feet are hurtin'."



Anonymous said...

hey, I just wanted to let you know that I really like your music. I saw you a long time ago in michigan. you might not remember, you played right before the youth for Christ music group I was in did, and I got a copy of your journals CD and loved it.

I just got into one of my first "real" relationships a few months ago, and I popped in your CD today, because I hadn't listened to it in a very long time, and your miracle song was amazing. it's almost exactly what I'm feeling. God is so great!

anyways, just thought I would tell you how much I appreciate your music.

Mark said...

Glad you liked the music, but its not mine. I have never recorded anything, nor written any songs.

I've only been to Michigan once, and that was only for a flight layover in Detroit. So the only fascinating site I can remember was the really cool fountain in the airport.

Sorry I'm not the right guy.
