Monday, October 03, 2005


So its a new month, which means its time for yet another blog post that some how contorts the name of said month into something else that happened to cross my mind and that I could find an interesting picture for in Google Image Search.

Picture Runner Up #1
Picture Runner Up #2

Of course this all to keep the blog nazi satiated with my archive preservation.

I should also mention the following:

Go Cards!

That is all.


J said...

I have a sinking feeling that I'm the aforementioned "blog nazi" you mention in passing here. That's sad.

Don't forget November, for crying out loud!!

dmurl said...

tolberones are nothing more than liberal propaganda perpetuated by those frikin nuetral swiss to brainwash into believing that if you put in nugget in anything or said candy bar it will taste extraordinary...and alway break the candy bar into pieces..if you just chomp down on it it will stab the roof of your mouth

Linz said...

October 8? You are early. But funny. I mean Butt-funny. That is great. Octoblerone? Who thinks of that?
